Considering Divorce in Minnesota but Have Coronavirus Concerns? Get Your Free Case Evaluation From Home

Struggling with a divorce decision and stuck at home due to social distancing? If you’re interested in pursuing divorce in Minnesota and, due to coronavirus concerns, you’re afraid to leave the house for a divorce consolation, fear not. At Beckman Steen & Lungstrom, we are pleased to be able to now offer free case evaluations that can be conducted entirely in the safety and privacy of your home.
We can conduct a review of your situation, process any necessary case files, and obtain your signature without you ever having to leave the house. With our remote conferencing system, you’ll breathe much easier knowing your case can still be worked on while you’re living through these already-challenging times.
Interested in filing for divorce in Minnesota but don’t want to leave home?
It makes sense to choose Beckman Steen & Lungstrom if you are currently considering divorce in Minnesota but don’t want to leave the house because of social distancing guidelines or stay-at-home orders. We’ve recently upgraded our facilities to allow for fully-connected live-streaming remote video and audio conferences, which means we’ll be able to discuss your entire case without you having to put yourself in danger by going outside.
Even the most friendly and painless divorce is still highly stressful — with coronavirus pandemic panic, you might be starting to feel rather overwhelmed by it all. Luckily, that’s where we come in. We know that divorce is stressful and difficult, and we know how to best mediate settlements between two parties.
Most often, we try to use an approach called the Collaborative Practice. We view collaborative divorce as the best way to get things done, with both people sitting down together and attempting to make the divorce as seamless as possible. However, in situations where collaborative approaches aren’t effective, we are more than prepared to represent our clients in court.
How can I proceed with my divorce case if I can’t go outside?
If you’re concerned about going outside or being around other people due to the recent coronavirus outbreaks in the United States, that’s completely understandable. That’s why we’ve set up our new remote conferencing system, and that’s why you can place your trust in us from the very first step in a divorce proceeding. We’re not going to ask you to put yourself in danger; we’re not going to advise you to do anything that might cause you harm or make you feel uncomfortable.
Instead, our goal is to work with each individual to review his or her case and make a plan for a successful solution-oriented settlement (and, if necessary, trial). By embracing the collaborative process, the attorney can be certain that his or her client is on a path towards mutual harmony and respect for their partner, and that both entities will be able to move on with their lives intact at the close of the divorce proceedings.
What is a remote conference?
A remote conference is a way for us to communicate with you without endangering your health or well-being. Using advanced technology, we can connect with you via telephone, video conference, or alternate modes of communication, and begin the process of reviewing your case file.
To prepare for a remote conference, you may want to have a pencil or pen and some notebook paper handy, in case you need to write anything down or if you have a question to ask later on in the conference. You’ll also want to have any pertinent files available and at your disposal. Other than our meeting being virtual, nothing else about a remote conference should surprise you. It’s just like having a meeting in person.
We’re still going to want to delve into your case individually and specifically, because we know that each family is different in their own way. You’ll still be given time to explain your position, any complications relating to your spouse or your children, and space to explore what kind of resolutions you’re looking for. And finally, we’ll still ensure that we’re both on the same page throughout each step of the process, so you know you’re being seen and heard.
Call to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today. We consider your health and happiness just as important as we do your case. Trust Beckman Steen & Lungstrom to handle your divorce case today.