How Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) Can Resolve Custody Issues in Minnesota
For couples who are divorcing with children, the asset division is difficult, but there is no question that the most difficult part will be the custody agreement. Children are living people that you both made, you both want to see them as much as you can, and often this leads to the most vicious battles… Read more »
Minneapolis Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer: The Benefits of Choosing a Prenup
As you enter a new marriage with the one you love you may not want to think about the possibility of divorce, which is why many people do not even consider the idea of signing a prenuptial agreement (prenup). However, prenups are growing in popularity amongst couples due to the practical purpose they serve, and… Read more »
“Who Gets The House?” And Other Asset Division Questions
For many, the difficult part of a divorce is severing the emotional connection to someone you once knew so intimately. However, there is no arguing that divorce is frustrating solely because two people that are not getting along have to divide up their stuff. One party may believe they deserve more while the other does… Read more »
Can You “Buyout” Spousal Support?
If you are getting divorced and are making significantly more money than your soon-to-be ex-spouse, then there is a good chance that you will be forced to pay spousal support to you ex-spouse while they transition and find a way to earn enough to live on their own. While spousal support payments are typically done… Read more »
Divorce and Family Law Topics: Social Media and Divorce
Social media has become a huge part of many people’s lives, and it has also become the daily journal for many of its users. Many social media users are not shy about sharing their life events and their opinion about certain things. Unfortunately, many people tend to use social media at the wrong time. When… Read more »
Do You Have the Right to Child Support as a Divorcing Father?
If you are divorcing as a parent, your priorities in a divorce will often shift from asking yourself how you protect your assets to asking yourself what is best for your children and what will make this divorce easier for them. Divorce is often a messy affair not only financially, but emotionally, too. Depending on… Read more »
Obtaining Visitation of a Child as an Unwed Father
For parents that have a child while married and then divorce, both parents have equal rights to either custody or visitation of the child by law and dependent on the court’s decision. However, for unwed couples that have children who then uncouple, the laws on the matter are quite different. While not being married saves… Read more »
3 Reasons to Choose a Collaborative Divorce in Minnesota
Minneapolis Family Law Attorneys There is no such thing as an easy divorce. Your marriage is ending and it is likely that it stirred up a series of complex emotions because of it. However, a divorce can be as simple or as messy as you let it be. It should be seen as a pathway… Read more »
How Does Visitation Work When an Order of Protection is in Place?
Orders of protection are valuable tools to protect victims. Those who have suffered domestic abuse need to have a way to protect themselves to make sure that they are not victims again, and this is what an order of protection does. However, while ex-spouses may occasional require an order of protection due to flared emotions… Read more »
How to Divide a Pension in a Minnesota Divorce Proceedings
Often when two parties get divorce, they completely forget about the pensions. While this is great for the person that holds the pension, for the non-holder they are missing out on a share of what is rightfully theirs when they reach retirement age. Unlike some other states that are a community property divorce states, Minnesota… Read more »